I am Sara Star of Spirits Craft Magic School. After much cajoling by my students and colleagues, I set out to write a book. While writing my rough draft and now polishing up my first draft–I had just so many ideas for other books! Which means I am going to keep writing more and more! With the first book Traditional Witchcraft from Scratch now pretty much written, I need to print it. This is where Pyewacket Print came in.

Pyewacket is the name of one of the animal spirits called out to by a poor imprisoned witch captured by witchfinder Matthew Hopkins in 1664. While it was not described as a cat, the name became popular for witch’s cats after the siamese cat familiar Pyewacket in Bell Book and Candle both the broadway play 1950 and then the movie in 1958.

The impish kitty has followed me around since the days of the art collective I ran with my friend Alex. We revived the pointy guy to represent a new publishing house, which will serve as an outlet for the writings of trusted witches blazing the path of traditional witchcraft in the millennium with a focus on American witches, spirit work and cultural awareness.